
Get the most from your pictures on your Lumia

Any pictures or videos you've taken will automatically be saved to your Pictures hub.

Picture hub commands

On the home screen select the Pictures setting.

  • Browse pictures:
  • Swipe left
  • Select Camera Roll
  • View a picture:
  • Tap the picture.
  • To view the next picture, swipe left.
  • To view the previous picture, swipe right.
  • Zoom in or out:
  • Place two fingers on the screen, and slide your fingers together or apart.
  • Or to quickly zoom in or out, tap the picture twice.


Mark a picture as a favourite

Find your favourite shots easily by marking them as favourites,then view them in the Pictures hub.

  • Select the picture you want to make a favourite in Camera roll
  • Tap and hold the picture, and select Add to favourites
  • You can also mark a picture as a favourite right after taking it: swipe right, tap and hold the picture, and select add to favourites.

Upload pictures and videos to social networking sites

You can do this directly from the Pictures hub. On the home screen select the Pictures setting.

  • Select a picture or video to upload.
  • Tap and hold the picture or video, and select share, then the service you the location you'd like to upload to
  • Enter a caption if you want to, then select the camera icon