Support for your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

Phone specifics
Manufacturer: Who made your device. Samsung
Name/number: The official name for your device. Galaxy 2 7"
Operating system The software that's responsible for operating your device, for example, many computers use the Windows Operating System. Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
Processor The brain of your phone, this processing chip runs programs and completes commands. The faster the processor, the faster your device will perform. 1GHz Dual Core
Input method How commands are operated on your device, such as a QWERTY keyboard, trackpad or touchscreen. Touchscreen
Size 122.4 x 193.7 x 10.5mm
Weight 341g
3G A wireless internet connection. No
Bluetooth A short-range wireless connection. Can be used to send media or connect to a headset. Yes
Email Have your personal emails delivered to your phone. Yes
Wi-Fi A way of connecting to the internet without wires. Wi-Fi uses routers, which are hotspots that are always connected to the internet, transmitting signals around them which your device can pick up. Yes
Screen pixels The tiny points that make up your device's picture. 1024 x 600
Display size How big your device's screen is. 7.0"
Camera (Megapixels) A million pixels make up a single mega pixel, which is a single dot in your photo. Yes (3MP)
Video The ability to record and play video on your device. Yes
Video call: (via mobile network) View the other caller on video as you chat. Yes
Playback The ability to watch videos you've recorded. Yes
Front facing camera Takes pictures with the camera facing you rather than away from you. Yes (VGA)
Internal device memory How much information your device can store. 8GB
Memory card type The type of memory card your device will accept. Micro SD
Max memory card capacity The maximum memory card size your device will accept. Upto 32GB
Other features
Web browser The access to view internet pages. Yes
Media Player The software for playing music and video. Yes
Calendar Plan days, weeks and months and years and save events. Yes
Voice dialling Dial contacts with your voice. No
Instant messenger Messages sent in real time through the internet, eg. Google Talk. Yes
Document viewer View PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. Yes
Document editor Edit PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. Yes
Battery stand by time How long your battery lasts if it's connected to the network but not being used. 1100 hours

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