How do I read books on my smartphone or eReader?

eBooks and eReaders explained

What is an eBook?

It's a book that's published digitally, meaning you can read it on your phone or on an eReader.

How does an eReader work?

Designed especially to read eBooks on, this portable device allows you to download thousands of books and have them sent virtually to you phone in an instant. As well as digital versions of books, you can also download digital magazines, text books and children's books.

What are the advantages of eReaders?

  • An eReader is about the same size as your standard paperback, but a lot lighter. It's easy to carry and easy to manage - no struggling to turn a page one handed, it sits comfortably in your palm. "Pages" can be turned with a single tap of your finger, either by swipe of the screen or with the button below the page. You can also buy as many eBooks as you want without worrying about luggage allowance!
  • Choose from a huge range of books, often at cheaper prices than a paper copy and there are many you can download legally for free.
  • Because the books are digital, you can be more interactive with them. You can highlight passages for future reference and share them on social networking sites. Additionally, if you sometimes find the print of a paper book hard to read, eReaders let you zoom into the text, for a closer look.
  • Be aware that when you buy an eReader, you can only download eBooks for it that you've bought from the corresponding website. So, for example if you buy a Sony Reader you'll need to shop for your eBooks on their site. You also can't permanently allow others access to your library of books, but on certain devices you can allow them to read one for a short period of time.

    How do I get an eBook on my smartphone?

    On certain phones, you can copy eBooks from your eReader and read them on your phone. For example, if you own a Kindle and an Android smartphone that runs software version 1.6 or higher, all you need is you need to do is log onto your Amazon account via your smartphone.
    If you don't have an eReader, as long as your phone has compatible software, there are plenty of websites where you can download eBooks and read them on your phone.

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